Water and Social Infrastructure
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Urban Studio for Fall 2020
STU 1503: Extreme Urbanism VII
in collaboration with: Seoyoung Lee
Instructors: Rahul Mehrotra and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes
A majority of Ishkashim’s livelihoods revolves around agriculture which makes the water essential for the life the of residents.
90% of the water system is managed by the local community, yet Ishkashim lacks safe water supplies.
Our urban vision for the territory of Ishkashim initiates from the aspiration of creating a resilient water network that will be produced from resilient scales of protection and distribution of water resources. That will allow to find a way to make the water more visible and turn the approach of viewing it as a mechanistic system into a sacred resource which will form the settlement, by envisioning the future possibilities and protect from potential disasters.
The ultimate aim is not just to improve the water infrastructure of Ishkashim, but to set the basis for a resilient society.